La Fiumara d'Arte - The Fiumara d'Arte


La Fiumara d'arte è un museo all'aperto costituito da una serie di sculture di artisti contemporanei ubicate lungo gli argini del fiume Tusa, oggi a carattere torrentizio, che sfocia nella costa tirrenica della Sicilia nei pressi di Castel di Tusa e che anticamente scorreva tra i monti Nebrodi con un percorso di ventuno chilometri, fino all'antica città di Halaesa..

La fiumara nacque quando nel 1982 Antonio Presti commissionò a Pietro Consagra la scultura La materia poteva non esserci, realizzata nel 1986 in cemento armato e alta diciotto metri, in memoria del padre.

Nel corso degli anni il progetto si andò sviluppando ed ha trasformato la zona lungo la fiumara di Tusa in un parco di sculture noto anche al di fuori dei confini nazionali.

La seconda scultura dal titolo Una curva gettata alle spalle del tempo del 1988, fu opera dello scultore Paolo Schiavocampo e venne collocata nei pressi di Castel di Lucio dove venne inaugurata il 30 gennaio 1988.

La terza opera, Monumento per un poeta morto, più nota come la Finestra sul mare, risale al 1989 ed è opera dello scultore Tano Festa. La scultura, alta 18 metri, si trova sul lungomare di Villa Margi ed è stata ribattezzata dalla gente del luogo Finestra sul mare[.

Fra il 1989 e il 1990 vennero collocate altre quattro opere:

Stanza di barca d'oro dell'artista giapponese Hidetoshi Nagasawa[ ubicata sul greto del torrente Romei, in territorio di Mistretta

Energia mediterranea di Antonio Di Palma collocata nei pressi di Motta d'Affermo

Labirinto di Arianna di Italo Lanfredini situata nei pressi di Castel di Lucio su una bassa collinetta

Arethusa, opera in ceramica situata nella caserma dei Carabinieri di Castel di Lucio, opera degli artisti Piero Dorazio e Graziano Marini.

La realizzazione del parco artistico Fiumara d'arte è stata costellata da una lunga storia giudiziaria, poiché la Stanza di barca d'oro venne già sequestrata al momento dell'inaugurazione e sorte analoga subì Finestra sul mare per la quale venne contestato il reato di occupazione del demanio marittimo e abusivismo edilizio.

Dopo un quarto di secolo di dispute giudiziarie, Fiumara d'arte viene riconosciuta come percorso turistico culturale..

La Fiumara d'arte è considerata uno dei parchi di sculture più grande d’Europa.

Il 21 marzo 2010, dopo due anni e mezzo di lavori, viene inaugurata la Piramide – 38є parallelo dello scultore Mauro Staccioli. La Piramide - un tetraedro titanico cavo, realizzato in acciaio Corten - viene costruita, su una altura in territorio di Motta d'Affermo, affacciata sul mare e in linea d'aria di fronte agli scavi dell'antica cittа di Halaesa. Nel punto in cui viene costruita, la Piramide è in asse col 38° parallelo.

Questo quello che ti aspetta in questa parte di Sicilia. Un itinerario da percorrere in macchina e ti permetterà di ammirare i paesaggi della Sicilia interna.

Luoghi lontani dalle solite rotte turistiche, in un fascinoso viaggio tra arte e natura, riflettendo e stupendosi di fronte alle opere di Fiumara d'Arte.

The Fiumara d'Arte is an open-air museum consisting of a series of sculptures by contemporary artists located along the banks of the Tusa river, today of torrential character, which flows into the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily near Castel di Tusa and which in ancient times flowed between the Nebrodi mountains with a path of twenty-one kilometers, up to the ancient city of Halaesa ..

The fiumara was born when in 1982 Antonio Presti commissioned Pietro Consagra to make the sculpture The matter could not exist, made in 1986 in reinforced concrete and eighteen meters high, in memory of his father.

Over the years the project has been developing and has transformed the area along the Tusa river into a sculpture park that is also known outside the national borders.

The second sculpture entitled A curve thrown behind the time of 1988, was the work of the sculptor Paolo Schiavocampo and was placed near Castel di Lucio where it was inaugurated on January 30, 1988.

The third work, Monument for a dead poet, better known as the Window on the sea, dates back to 1989 and is the work of the sculptor Tano Festa. The sculpture, 18 meters high, is located on the seafront of Villa Margi and has been renamed by the locals Window on the sea.

Between 1989 and 1990, four other works were placed:

- Room of a golden boat by the Japanese artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa located on the shore of the Romei stream, in the territory of Mistretta.

- Mediterranean energy by Antonio Di Palma located near Motta d’Affermo.

- Labyrinth of Ariadne by Italo Lanfredini located near Castel di Lucio on a low hill.

- Arethusa, a ceramic work located in the Carabinieri barracks in Castel di Lucio, the work of the artists Piero Dorazio and Graziano Marini.

The construction of the Fiumara d'Arte art park has been studded with a long judicial history, as the Golden Boat Room was already seized at the time of its inauguration and a similar fate suffered Window on the sea for which the crime of occupation was challenged of the maritime state property and unauthorized building.

After a quarter of a century of judicial disputes, Fiumara d'Arte is recognized as a cultural tourist route.

The Fiumara d'Arte is considered one of the largest sculpture parks in Europe.

On 21 March 2010, after two and a half years of work, the Pyramid - 38th parallel by the sculptor Mauro Staccioli was inaugurated. The Pyramid - a hollow titanic tetrahedron, made of Corten steel - is built on a hill in the territory of Motta d'Affermo, overlooking the sea and as the crow flies in front of the excavations of the ancient city of Halaesa. At the point where it is built, the Pyramid is aligned with the 38th parallel.

This is what awaits you in this part of Sicily. An itinerary to go by car and will allow you to admire the landscapes of internal Sicily.

Places far from the usual tourist routes, in a fascinating journey between art and nature, reflecting and marveling in front of the works of Fiumara d’Arte.

The Fiumara d'arte is an open-air museum, a series of sculptures of contemporary artists located along the banks of the river Tusa, today a torrent, that flows into the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily near Castel di Tusa and that in ancient times flowed between the Nebrodi mountains with a route of twenty-one kilometers, up to the ancient city of Halaesa.

The fiumara was born in 1982 when Antonio Presti commissioned to Pietro Consagra the sculpture 'La materia poteva non esserci', realized in 1986 in reinforced concrete and eighteen meters high, in memory of his father.

Over the years, the project developed and transformed the area along the Fiumara di Tusa into a sculpture park also known to the international audience.

The second sculpture entitled Una curva gettata alle spalle del tempo (A curve thrown behind the time) of 1988, was realized by the sculptor Paolo Schiavocampo and was placed near Castel di Lucio, it was inaugurated on January 30th 1988.

The third work, Monumento per un poeta morto (Monument for a dead poet), better known as the Finestra sul mare (Window on the sea), dates back to 1989 and is the work of the sculptor Tano Festa. The sculpture, 18 meters high, is located on the seafront of Villa Margi and has been renamed by the locals ‘Finestra sul mare’ (Window on the sea).

Between 1989 and 1990 were placed other four works:

‘Stanza di barca d’oro’ (Room of gold boat) of the Japanese artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa located on the shore of the Romei torrent, in the territory of Mistretta; 

‘Energia Mediterranea’ (Mediterranean Energy) of Antonio Di Palma placed near Motta d'Affermo;

‘Labirinto di Arianna’ (Labyrinth of Ariadne) by Italo Lanfredini located near Castel di Lucio on a low hillock;

‘Arethusa’, ceramic work situated in the Carabinieri's barracks of Castel di Lucio, work of the artists Piero Dorazio and Graziano Marini.

The realization of the artistic park Fiumara d'arte has been marked by a long judicial history, since the ‘Stanza di barca d’oro’ was seized at the time of the inauguration and a similar fate had ‘Finestra sul mare’ for which it was contested the crime of occupation of the maritime domain and illegal building.
After a quarter of a century of judicial disputes, Fiumara d'arte is recognized as a cultural tourist route.

Fiumara d'arte is considered one of the largest sculpture parks in Europe.

On March 21, 2010, after two and a half years of work, the Pyramid - 38є parallel by the sculptor Mauro Staccioli - was inaugurated. The Pyramid - a hollow titanic tetrahedron, made of Corten steel - is built on a hill in the territory of Motta d'Affermo, overlooking the sea and as the crow flies in front of the excavations of the ancient city of Halaesa. At the point where it is built, the Pyramid is in axis with the 38th parallel.

This is what awaits you in this part of Sicily. An itinerary to travel by car and will allow you to admire the landscapes of inland Sicily.

Places far from the usual tourist routes, in a fascinating journey between art and nature, reflecting and marveling at the works of Fiumara d'Arte.

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